Hi everyone, This week on the podcast I have a fascinating interview with Dr Wynand Breytenbach a GP anaesthetist and obstetrician working in Narrogin WA. Join us on the podcast […]
Hi Everyone, After last weeks fascinating case discussion, Nolan and I continue with our discussion on amniotic fluid embolism. In this discussion we drill down into some of the current […]
Hi Everyone, This week we have a friend and colleague on the podcast, Assoc Prof Nolan McDonnell where he discusses a challenging case of amniotic fluid embolism which he was […]
(*Hypothetical Case) You are an obstetrician (or anaesthetist) and you work in a peripheral hospital in a metropolitan city. You are not on call but despite this you get woken […]
Hi everyone, Thanks for joining us again, this week I am joined by my colleague Prof Yee Leung, Head of Gynaecological Oncology in Western Australia, to discuss the obstetric and […]
(*Fictitious case) You are called to the postnatal ward by the midwife to review a woman who unfortunately had an accidental dural puncture the day before during her labour. When […]
(*Fictitious case) You are contacted by the ultrasound department – they have just completed a formal scan on an urgent referral and want to discuss their findings with you urgently. […]
(*Fictitious case) A 32 yr old pregnant woman with insulin dependent diabetes presents to a regional hospital in WA at 27 weeks gestation, with probable premature rupture of her membranes, […]
Hi everyone, This weeks post is part 2 of the 5th in my mini series on patient blood management in obstetrics and gynaecology. We discuss some of the strategies we […]